Death and Floral July

Death and Floral July

Stock will be limited after 3pm est Friday, July 12th


Filled With the Heat of a Reckless Summer

Realistic blueberry bush, honeysuckle wafting in the air, surrounded by the scent of an aging barn.

Flowers Growing Through Concrete
Green clovers and fresh grass, cucumbers, spring hyacinths

Freshly Dead
Lavender, rosemary, mint, apples, carrot seeds, fresh tomatoes (SotM)

It’s All in Your Head
Sun-warmed Texas sunflowers in a bright field, luscious dark amber, vanilla, and freshly baked bread.

Lay Me in The Earth, And from My Fair and Unpolluted Flesh Let Violets Spring
Milky baby deer skin, soft fur musk, warm earth, oak trees, floral forest floor moss.

Monsters Still Under My Bed
Creaky floor wood, spiced nutmeg, golden oudh, chewy tobacco, vanilla copal resins, smokey warm amber (SotM)

Morton Salt Girl
Yellow musk, salt, and rain on concrete (SotM)

Oil Painting of Summer Tomatoes
Tomato absolute blended with lemongrass and black spruce, green vines and late summer air (SotM)

Scream Ferociously
Orange blossoms and fierce summer lemonade, blended with green leaves and black tea

Someday I’ll Get on That Train
Earth grass underfoot, the morning after a long rainy spring night. Warm morning air and the far off scent of sweet tobacco and forgotten linens swaying in the early breeze

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Archives: Pre-Orders which are complete

BPAL Friday the 13th

BPAL Friday the 13th

Status  - All Samples - Full Sizes & Addons -  Stock will be limited after 3pm est Monday, December 16th -Back to Scent Lists-  13 December 2024Thirteen scents of...

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Lucky #9 Dog Days!

Lucky #9 Dog Days!

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