Release Statuses
Until 3pm est Monday, September 9th
PULP Fall Part One
Until 3pm est Wednesday, September 11th
Hexennacht September
PULP Summer
BPAL Felis Silvestris Catus
BPAL The Last Unicorn
Possets Orphans Retour
Black Hearted Tart Legends & Lattes
BPAL Dragon Con
BPAL August: Sturgeon Moon
BPAL June/Strawberry Moon: Red Currant and Silvered Musk(June), Strawberry Moon 2024: Wild Strawberries and Amber Hair Gloss (June)
BPAL July/Deer Moon:
Vintage Snake Oil 2014 (July), Embalming Fluid HG (July)
By September 20th
Death and Floral August
Nui Cobalt Autumn I
By September 26th
Morari Fall/Winter & Autumnal Woods
Astrid Tea Parties
On September 6th
Nocturne Alchemy Bastet Summer, EA Minerals & Gems
On September 5th
BPAL July/Deer Moon
(*Minus Backorders)
BPAL Collabs
Black Hearted Tart July
On September 4th
BPAL June/Strawberry Moon (*Minus Backorders)
BPAL June/Strawberry Moon: Red Currant and Silvered Musk(June), Strawberry Moon 2024: Wild Strawberries and Amber Hair Gloss (June)
BPAL July/Deer Moon:
Vintage Snake Oil 2014 (July), Embalming Fluid HG (July)
On August 22nd
CocoaPink Reboot & Spring / Summer
Nui Cobalt Witches' Utility
On August 13th
Hexennacht June
Death & Floral July
*These orders were received in and shipped in batches